Семинар на проф. Джакомо де Анджелис

На 10.10.2024 г. (четвъртък), на общоинститутски семинар от 13:30 ч. в зала 300 на ИЯИЯЕ, проф. д-р Джакомо де Анджелис, Научен директор на Националната лаборатория по ядрена физика в Леняро, Италия, ще изнесе доклад на тема:

"Nuclear Structure with Multinucleon Transfer Reactions:
hidden symmetries, stellar archeology, climate change and other paraphernalia"

Prof. Dr. Giacomo de Angelis
Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro,
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy

Summary: Nuclear physics research is at the dawn of a new era. After the Big Bang and billions of years of evolution, the universe has provided us with about 2000 nuclei. Based on the information from these nuclei, nuclear theory has been established in order to understand the structure of the nucleus. The steady progress over the past twenty years in the development of high intensity stable beams and of beams of radioactive isotopes has allowed to vastly expand the objectives of experimental nuclear research. It is also becoming possible to study in the laboratory a range of nuclear reactions that take place in exploding stars providing crucial information to understand how the chemical elements that we find on Earth were formed. With more than 2000 nuclei produced artificially and around 6000 expected to be produced in the facilities in operation or under construction in China, Europe, Japan and US, nuclear physics meets serious challenges. To achieve this ambitious goal, one needs to study the characteristics of unstable (radioactive) nuclei through their decays and the various nuclear interactions. Such unstable nuclei also have a wide range of applications (medicine, climate changes etc.).

  In his presentation prof. Giacomo de Angelis will discuss the AGATA experimental campaign ongoing at LNL together with some of the results of the previous GANIL campaign, investigating seniority and Isospin symmetries. The link between seniority, particle-hole symmetry and the Berry phase will be discussed. He will also present future programs of the new SPES ISOL radioactive ion beam facility focused on nuclear astrophysics and applications. Recently, they tested the use of a solenoidal spectrometer for n-capture reaction measurements based on indirect approaches in experiments performed at ANL (USA). Prof. de Angelis will also report on the present status of the REMO-ClimOcean project, recently started in Spain and in Italy within the EU PNRR programs with the aim to use radiotracers to monitor the adaptation of marine species to the new climatic conditions.