Семинар на 6.02.2020 г.

На 6 февруари 2020 г., от 13:15 ч. в зала 300 на ИЯИЯЕ  Рой Осте (Гент, Белгия) ще изнесе доклад на тема:

"A Howe duality deformation using reflection groups".

Our starting point is the multiplicity-free decomposition of the space of polynomials into spherical harmonics under the joint action of the Howe dual pair (O(n),sl(2)). The analogue for spinor-valued polynomials is governed by the pair (Pin(n),osp(1|2)). Using a finite reflection group and its associated rational Cherednik algebra, which acts on polynomials through the Dunkl operator realization, one obtains a deformation of these decompositions. In this way, interesting algebraic structures appear resembling Z_2^n-graded algebras. The goal of this talk is to introduce these deformations and to have a closer look at the specific example of the dihedral groups and some ongoing research questions.


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