Семинар на 28.11.2019 г.
На 28 ноември 2019 г., четвъртък, от 13:15 ч. в зала 300 на ИЯИЯЕ ще се състои сбирка, на която Йесе ван Мауден (КУ Льовен, Белгия) ще изнесе доклад на тема:
"From 4D interfaces to 3D CFTs."
- Резюме:
- Interfaces are important probes into the dynamics of QFTs, they are of interest in a variety of fields, ranging from condensed matter to string theory. Studying such objects in a strong coupling regime poses many difficulties that often cannot be overcome with conventional field theory techniques. To gain a better understanding of field theories with interfaces we employ the AdS/CFT correspondence.
- In this talk we will discuss interfaces in a universal class of four-dimensional N=1 SCFTs, with a marginal coupling. Using top-down holography we provide an understanding of these field theories in terms of D3-branes. Furthermore, through compactification (with an SL(2,Z) monodromy) of one of the directions orthogonal to the interface we predict the existence of a new class of three-dimensional CFTs. Finally, we are able to determine the free energies of these theories, which turn out to be closely related to the conformal anomaly in four dimensions.
- This will be based on [arXiv:1907.11132].
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