Семинар на 25.06.2019 г.
На 25 юни 2019 г. /вторник/, от 13:15 ч. в зала 300 на ИЯИЯЕ-БАН Алесио Марани (Рим и Падова, Италия) ще изнесе семинар на тема:
"Freudenthal duality map and (new) groups of type E7"
- Резюме:
- After a brief résumé on extremal black holes in Maxwell-Einstein-scalar theories and the associated attractor mechanism, I will introduce the Freudenthal duality map acting on the electric-magnetic fluxes, and present the non-linear invariance of the Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy. I will then consider the so-called groups "of type E7", highlighting their role as duality groups, as well as their relation to pre-homogeneous vector spaces. Finally, relying on some results by Dynkin and Solomon, I will present various novel (numerably) infinite classes of groups "of type E7". I will conclude with an outlook on further future developments.
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