Семинар на 22.03.2018 г.


На 22 март 2018 г. /четвъртък/, от 13:15 ч. в зала 300 на ИЯИЯЕ Иван Тодоров ще изнесе семинар на няколко теми:

  1. "Впечатления от IHES и CERN".
  2. "Ден на George de Rham в Женева".
По-подробна тематика с литературни препратки:

  1. Conformal field theory in D>2 dimensions, S. Rychkov et al. 1601.05000, 1703.03430, 1802.02319; M. Isachenkov, V. Schomerus, 1602.00858, 1711.06609 (IHES, 21.12.2017); M. Luty et al. 1801.05807 (CERN, 27.2.2018).
  2. Tying up instantons with antiinstantons (ideas originate in a Bethe/gauge correspondence), Nikita Nekrasov 1802.04202 (CERN, 21.2.2018), paper dedicated to the memory of Ludwig Faddeev.
  3. "Deep learning" (Nature, 2015 --), K. Hashimoto et al. 1802.08313.
  4. Gravitational waves, 170817 (F. Fiderico - Virgo, CERN, 13.2.2018), K. Pardo et al. 1801.08160.
II. Univ. Geneva, 7.3.2018 (accompanying seminars on 6.3.2018 and 8.3.2018)
  1. Francis Brown: De Rham's integration, Motivic periods, 1512.06410v3, Lectures at IHES (April 2018 - to be recorded)
  2. Nigel Hitchin: Integrable systems and algebraic geometry; March 6: Higgs bundles and mirror symmetry.


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